Final exams will be held on December 18th and 19th. All students are required to take a final exam for each class unless they have been notified by their teacher that they have exempted the exam. Students who qualified for exemption are not required to take the exam, nor will they be counted absent for that block. However, it is extremely important that all other students required to take the exam are present at school on exam days. When students return from winter break on January 8th, they will begin following their new schedule and 2nd semester classes will begin. Therefore, any students that missed an exam and were absent on December 18th and 19th will not be granted an opportunity for makeup without a medical excuse.
Additionally, to avoid disruptions during exams students will not be called out during a scheduled exam. If you call to dismiss your student during the class period of exams, or if you come in to pick them up during the class period of exams, we will not dismiss the student(s) until the bell rings to end that class period.
S1 Final Exam Schedule:
- December 18 - 1st and 3rd block exams
- December 19 - 2nd and 4th block exams