SCF Scholarship Distribution Requirements:
In order to process a scholarship, the Foundation requires three pieces of information:
• Completed Nomination Form with student and college information (see document in Required
Scholarship Forms);
• Signed Conflict of Interest Forms by each member of the scholarship selection committee (see
document in Required Scholarship Forms);
• Copies of all completed scholarship applications.
o Note: If there was not an application process, please provide a brief explanation of how
the scholarship was awarded (i.e. The student participated in X program for X years, and
therefore, met the criteria to receive a scholarship.)
These items are required to ensure that we are incompliance with IRS Regulations.
Requirements are the same for all scholarship funds held by SCF, unless otherwise noted in the Fund
Once SCF has all required documents, a check will be processed and sent with a letter directly to the
college/university. The student recipient and fund benefactor will be notified by letter that the check was sent.