Parent/Teacher Conferences Sign-Up

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on January 28 from 3:30-7:30 PM and on January 29 from 8:00-11:30 AM.  All meetings will be held virtually or by phone.  Any parent wishing to meet with a teacher will need to sign up for one 10 minute time slot in advance.  Once you sign up for a time, you will need to access the Google Meet link on January 28 or 29 at your designated time.  This link will be provided once your sign-up is confirmed.  If you would like to conduct the conference over the phone or if you are unable to conference on January 28 or 29, please contact the teacher directly at 803-364-2134 or via e-mail and alternative arrangements for a conference can be made.  If you have any questions about the sign-up process, please contact the MCHS main office or your child's teacher.   

Please click on the date beside the teacher’s name to sign up for a Parent/Teacher Conference Time Slot: