Greeting All Third-Year (11th Grade) Students and Parents,
On Tuesday, March 23rd, all third-year or 11th grade 4-day Face-to-Face and NewberryOne students will take the ACT at Mid-Carolina High School. All students scheduled to take the ACT have been provided handouts for student's personal MyACT accounts. Handouts were provided in person on Monday, March 8th or mailed home. All students are asked to complete their MyACT account prior to test day to ensure student's scores are sent to the colleges of their choice for free. All NewberryONE and 4-day Face-to-Face students are asked to report to Mid-Carolina High School at 7:35 a.m. on testing day with a photo I.D. for entrance into their testing room. Any student who normally reports to the Career Center, has Piedmont Technical classes, or late arrival should report to Mid-Carolina High on Tuesday, March 23rd instead.
Parents and students, please be aware that there are no makeups for the ACT. Therefore, students are asked in advance to make all necessary arrangements to attend this one testing session. Breakfast, snacks, and lunch will be provided. Also, testing locations and student rosters for the ACT will be posted throughout the building to assist students in finding their appropriate testing location. In addition, staff members will be available to direct students, as necessary.
We wish our students the best of luck on testing day! If you have any questions or concerns, including transportation issues, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Lyles @ Thank you in advance for your time. Have a great day!