Download the application by clicking here:
Each year the Aiken Chapter of The Links, Inc. recognizes outstanding graduates and awards them scholarships, laptop computers, jump drives, and/or certificates. This event is funded by the generous donations and support of Aiken businesses, community leaders, and the Aiken Chapter of The Links, Inc. We are asking you to help us identify students from your school that we may recognize. Our program target students in the areas of ACADEMICS, ARTS, ATHLETICS, CHARACTER, and SERVICE.
Your school is eligible to submit applications from ____students that you recommend as honorees. We are asking counselors to indicate only one area of recognition per student. Please select students who have excelled in at least one of the areas listed above. Please ask the students to complete the application form online at: Students are to write an essay (one hundred words) about their accomplishments in the area recommended by you. All information should be received by May 4, 2021 for inclusion on our program. The students who complete and submit the application by the deadline will be eligible for one of several $500 scholarships or a laptop.
The Links, Inc. is a national group of professional women that perform public service in the communities in which they live. Our local chapter has served the Aiken area since 1989. In addition to the Senior Recognition Program, the Aiken Chapter of The Links, Inc. has presented the Festival of Trees, the Go Red Luncheon, the Festival of Wreaths, and the Ebony Fashion Fair. We currently volunteer in a local middle school as our main Services to Youth project. We also work with the Aiken Women’s Group on the Character First Program and many other service projects.
This is our fourteenth year for honoring outstanding senior high school students. In an effort to ensure inclusion, your consideration in nominating applicants from diverse backgrounds (race, gender, etc.) will be greatly appreciated. If you need assistance or have further questions please contact me at (803) 640-5044 or or Rosemary English at (803) 645-6922
Thank you in advance for your help and all you do for our young people.
Dorothy Brooks, Chair
Services to Youth
Rosemary English, President
Senior Recognition Scholarship Application
Name_______________________________ School___________________________________
Address_____________________________ Address__________________________________
City________________________Zip______ City____________________________Zip_______
Guardian____________________________ Counselor________________________________
Race_____________________ Gender___________________ Email_________________________
Counselor recommended area: (Please check only one)
_____Academics _____Arts _____Athletics _____Character _____ Community Service
Please write a one hundred (100) word essay about your accomplishments in the area recommended by your counselor.
What do you know about the Aiken Chapter of the Links, Incorporated and the National Links, Incorporated? ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
What college/university are you considering to attend?______________________________________
How will this award support you financially? _______________________________________________