South Carolina Virtual College and Military Decision Month Celebration is April 19-May 15.

TO: All Seniors and their Parents/Guardians,  

The South Carolina Virtual College and Military Decision Month Celebration is April 19-May 15.  Mid-Carolina High School wants to provide a virtual acknowledgment to celebrate the acceptance of all graduating Seniors who will attend a College, University, or the Military in the Fall of 2021. We are asking that you email or bring by a copy of your acceptance letter to Ms. McAllister in the Guidance office if you would like for your name to be displayed on our website.  You can email Ms. McAllister at The following questions will need to be answered when you come by or email me (First and Last Name, College/University Attending, and Military Branch). Students and parents are also welcomed to submit a quote to go by the student’s name. If you have not done so, please see Ms. McAllister with your college or military choice. Deadline to submit information for participation is Friday, April 23 @ 3pm.  

*Please remember we need a copy of your acceptance letter in order to display your name.

Form is below if you would like to print it off:

Mid-Carolina High School

College and Military Acceptance Recognition

TO: All Seniors and their Parents/Guardians,

The South Carolina Virtual College and Military Decision Month Celebration is April 19-May 15. Mid-Carolina High School wants to provide a virtual acknowledgment to celebrate the acceptance of all graduating Seniors who will attend a College, University, or the Military in the Fall of 2021. We are asking that you email or bring by a copy of your acceptance letter to Ms. McAllister in the Guidance office if you would like for your name to be displayed on our website. You can email Ms. McAllister at The following questions will need to be answered when you come by or email me. Students and parents are also welcomed to submit a quote to go by the student’s name. If you have not done so, please see Ms. McAllister with your college or military choice. Deadline to submit information for participation is Friday, April 23 @ 3pm.

*Please remember we need a copy of your acceptance letter in order to display your name.


First and Last Name: ________________________________________________

College/University Attending: _________________________________________

Military Branch (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Army Reserves) ________________

Quote (optional): _______________________________________________________