If your student has been fully vaccinated, receiving either both doses of Pfizer or Moderna OR 1 dose of Johnson and Johnson, please make sure your student brings a copy of the vaccination record to the nurse. If your student is fully vaccinated, which is considered 2 weeks after their last dose of vaccine, if they are a Close Contact to a positive case of COVID and your student is NOT having any symptoms, they would NOT have to quarantine. However, if we do not have the proof of vaccination on file, they would have to quarantine until proof is provided or complete the quarantine. There are multiple opportunities within the community for those aged 16 and up to receive the COVID vaccine. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact you student’s school nurse. MCHS' Nurse is Janet Davenport.
Tricia Ulch, BSN, RN
School Nurse Coordinator
School District of Newberry County