Laptop and Laptop Accessory Turn-In Information

On Monday, June 7th Seniors enrolled in Newberry One virtual classes are required to turn-in their laptop, charger, laptop bag, and (if they have one) a district-issued hotspot from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. to the MCHS Media Center.   Please note that any Senior who does not turn in their school issued laptop and/or accessories on their designated turn-in date will be assessed a school fee and will not be able to participate in the graduation ceremony until all outstanding fees are paid.  

Also, Underclassmen currently enrolled in face-to-face classes at MCHS will turn-in their laptop, charger, laptop bag, and (if they have one) a district-issued hotspot on Monday, June 7th as well.   On Monday, June 7, students will meet in their Connections Homerooms at 7:55 a.m. to turn in their laptops and laptop accessories. Please have your child at school on time that day to turn in these items.  

Underclassman enrolled in Newberry One courses are required to turn in their laptop, charger, laptop bag, and (if they have one) a district-issued hotspot to the MCHS Media Center on Wednesday, June 9 and Thursday, June 10 between the hours of 8:00 – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.  

If your child DOES NOT turn in these items, you will be invoiced for them.  The costs are as follows:  $580 for a laptop, $65 for a charger, and $30 for a laptop bag. Please be sure to empty and clean the computer bags prior to turning them in.  If you have any questions regarding device collection please email Ms. Felker at