*October 4, Monday is Career Day .....activity is best dressed contest at each lunch (winners receive a shirt)
*October 5, Tuesday is Tweedle Dee/Tweedle Dum (Twin Day)...Kahoot trivia during lunch activity period (winning class gets spirit stick until Thursday)
*October 6, Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday (tacky/crazy)...Music trivia at lunch by table (winning table gets a prize)
*October 7, Thursday is Country (camo/country attire) vs. Country Club (preppy/frat attire) ...Kahoot trivia during lunch activity period (winning class gets spirit stick rest of the week)
*October 8, Friday is a white out (also the theme for the game)....Pay to have a teacher pied (top ten teachers who bring in the most money) Choices to see pied: Mrs. Haltiwanger, Coach Winch, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Frick, Mrs. Barnes, Coach Thomas, Mr. Counts, Coach Moore, Coach Renee Joiner, Coach Levi Joiner, Dr. Fowler, Coach Middleton, Mrs. Chavis, Coach Wilbanks, Mr. Long, Coach Green, Mrs. Darr, Mrs. Wise, Ms. Caughhman