On Tuesday, 28 September Mid-Carolina High School JROTC Cadet William "Liam" Blair attended a ceremony at Richland Northeast High School to receive an honorarium and a certificate from the Colonel Jack Van Loan Chapter 303 of the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). Liam was recognized for being named as a finalist in the Colonel Jack Van Loan Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest for JROTC Cadets. Participating Cadets were tasked with writing an essay based on the following theme: The Legacy of Colonel Jack Van Loan: How Colonel Van Loan Exemplified the Military Code of Conduct. You may know that Colonel Van Loan was a POW in Hanoi during the Vietnam War. He was seriously tortured and held in captivity for six years (1967-73). Submitted essays went to the Board of Directors of Chapter 303 VVA who selected a winner and two runner-up finalists. Attached photo of Liam receiving his certificate from Mr. Ron Hagell, President of the Chapter 303 VVA.
-Major James Taylor, JROTC Instructor at MCHS