Career Quest-October 20 During Lunch


Topic: SCGSAH Careers in the Arts Presentation Visit 

(The Governor's School for the Arts & Humanities) 

Audience:  9th and 10th grade students 

Time: (Connections) During Lunch Activity 

Date: Thursday, October 20, 2022 

Location: Mid-Carolina High School- Media Center Lab 

Description: The "Careers In the Arts" presentation discusses well-known and lesser-known careers in the arts. It also provides a general overview of the Governor's School opportunities for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the arts. 

* 9th and 10th graders please sign-up or let your counselor know if you plan to attend this Career Quest during connections. 

*If you have first lunch you will attend at 11:37 am

*If you have second lunch you will attend at 11:00 am.