MCHS Lady Rebels Varsity Tennis Team
Standing (Left to Right)
Kaley Held, Ava Pullen, Riley Peel, Coach Shealy, Sophia Abraham, Kiley Ringer, Arial Kennedy
Kneeling (Left to Right)
Maddie Stribble, Zoe Reid, Hadyn Jacobs
Roster: 2022
Senior: Riley Peel
Junior: Hadyn Jacob
Sophomore: Arial Kennedy, Ava Pullen, Kiley Ringer
Freshmen: Sophia Abraham, Kaley Held, Zoe Reid, Maddie Stribble
Notes: 2021 Region 4-AAA Champions (Returners: Sophia Abraham, Hadyn Jacob, Riley Peel, Ava Pullen, and Zoe Reid) ***Girls that earned a varsity letter and competed in individual matches/state playoffs.
Lineup as of 9/20/22
#1-Riley Peel (Singles)
#2-Sophia Abraham (Singles)
#3 Zoe Reid (Singles)
#4 Hadyn Jacob (Singles)
#5 Ava Pullen (Singles)
#6 Arial Kennedy (Doubles)
#7 Maddie Stribble (Doubles)