On Tuesday, November 29 and Wednesday, November 30 MCHS hosted its first annual after school EOC Academy for all students currently taking one or more EOC courses, such as Algebra I, Intermediate Algebra, Biology 1, English 2, or U.S. History. Students in attendance received customized, face-to-face instruction with one-on-one feedback for how to approach and answer content-specific questions. Additional incentives for attending the after school EOC Academy, students who attend all four sessions will be allowed to use the time served after school in the EOC Academy to make up seat time at no cost and will be invited to attend an EOC pizza party review session in the Media Center on Friday, December 9th, 2022 during lunch time and Connections.
The next EOC After School Academy meeting will on Tuesday, December 6 and Wednesday, December 7. Any student who is currently enrolled in a EOC course is encouraged to attend. All EOC review sessions will be hosted from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. with a certified EOC teacher in each course. Therefore, it is highly recommended your child attends the EOC Academy to help remediate any gaps in learning by reviewing pertinent concepts that will be assessed on the EOC final exam. Parents and Guardians, please note that students will be required to secure their own transportation if they wish to participate in the after school EOC Academy. Transportation will not be provided by the school. All students who will be participating in the EOC Academy will be asked to meet at the front stairwell of the school at 3:20 p.m. to check-in, receive a free meal, and be directed to their classroom location. It is our hope that participation in this academy will help improve your child’s final EOC score, which will count 20% of student's final grade. We look forward to seeing your child soon after school.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Lyles via email at tglyles@sdnc.org or by phone at 803-364-2134. Thank you in advance for your time. Have a great day!